Friday, April 29, 2011

You Already Have Your Heavenly Gift!

Well, I'm waiting for an answer to yesterdays post.

So today we take up a little Christian history. At age 24 I don't know too much about it, but let me briefly paraphrase what, one of my dad's favorite writers wrote.

Why do we have way over a thousand Christian denominations (churches).? Apparently this growth  of Christianity started very early St.. Paul talks about disagreements in the church at Corinth. And then came the Donatists(sp)?.And its been dividing ever since then. Why? Knox's analysis. In any church a minority begins to think they are a bit , at least, closer to God ("The close friends of God") and more in touch with the Holy Ghost than the others. As this minority finds the majority persisting in their ways, the minority feels the need to assert their way by forming what soon becomes a new church (denomination).

And we are lucky enough to see this playing out today. Where? Well, with the Crazy one (Old Jonathan). No, you say he and his little 'congregation' don't think they are superior to other Christians. Let's look.

After the Crazy one's 50, 60?(I lost count) rejection by  local churches to be their pastor, his few hundred followers literally explode with indignation. Righteous indignation at that. In true Savaranola fashion the offending congreations are called misguided, ignorant, not near as a good Christman as the 'prophet' they just rejected. (He was despis-ed and rejected ) Maybe not the exact words of his little 'flock,' but read his blog and the comments, and you'll get it.

I saw the Royal wedding today, and thought it was really fine. They sang Jerusalem and it almost ruined the whole thing for me.The English are always complaining, you see. They want to build the 'kingdom' in England's 'green and verdant fields.' Or something like that. So greedy. God has already rewarded you enough.HE has sent you one greater than all but YOU! The Reverend Jonathan! So if you want to be sure you see ME, get out those checks (paypal also accepted) and bring your mites (he prefers quit a bit more), and If you do not, Jonathan warns, I shall go into the desert (definition: get a job) and , without me, you shall be accursed!

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